We have been receiving questions about the M.R.A. Dovetail. Questions like, “what do I do if my dovetail is too tight?”
To address this question a little background is helpful. In the gun industry like most manufacturing industries, there is a “tolerance” that has to be met when creating parts. This creates a range for the machinist to work within when creating parts. Let’s say that range is plus or minus: .002″. For this example part, the dimension is supposed to be: 2.050″. An acceptable part, based upon the above tolerance, could be 2.048″ (on the low end) and 2.052″ (on the high end). At this point, you are probably asking, “Steve, why the machining tolerance lesson?”
Good question!
The dovetail slot that is cut in your gun’s slide has a “tolerance” that must be met. What does this mean for you? If the dovetail slot is on the low side of that tolerance then the Outerimpact MRA dovetail will tend to fit a little “tighter” than normal. On the contrary, if the dovetail slot is on the high side of the tolerance then the Outerimpact MRA dovetail will be a little on the loose side.
The good news is if the Outerimpact MRA dovetail is little on the loose side that is NO PROBLEM. When you tighten the dovetail screws down it creates a “clamping” like action that ensures a solid/tight fit.
What do I do if the Outerimpact MRA dovetail is on the tight side???
Great question! Check out this video for instructions to quickly remedy a dovetail that is too tight.
Dovetail Modification Video – CLICK ME